
Everybody deserves a second chance in education. 


Empowering the youth. Building sustainable communities.


Sponsor a Child's Education

Talents are universal, opportunity is not. Educating a child is a great investment for the country. A willing child is awaiting to resume his/her schooling. Join us!

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Funding a Mental Rehab Home

We funded 2 more years of care and treatment for a local mental rehab home to care for its mentally disabled residents. Read More →


Community Service Day

A day where we treat a community of 2,000 residents deserving of equal love and care. Read More →


HIV, Alchohol, and Smoking Prevention Class

Second Chance, along with 40 student volunteers, partnered with Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa to educate 90 kids as a prevention plan.Read More →


Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.

Education has the power to break the generational cycle of poverty. We attempt to break both the material and immaterial causes of poverty and build good character.


Annual Report

Dedicated to Transform a Community.

We work through a sustainable development model which aim to transform a community through building relationships, empowering local leaders, and providing resources for holistic development to happen for a child and his/her family. 

Their participation is the end, not the means.

Their participation is the end, not the means.